FA Online

3 Questions with Steve Dunlap of FolioDynamix


FintekNews is pleased to offer our7th installation of our feature column"3 Questions". Each week, we feature a thought leader within a unique sector of fintech and ask them...

Blockchain, My Ass(ets)


Note from the CEO:At FintekNews, weare always eager to help and share new information that may be informative and insightful to our readers

Asymmetrical Markets


Note from the CEO: WOW!!! I have been in the financial markets for over 40........er, quite some time and never heard the term "asymmetric information"

Famed Investor Bill Miller Leaves Legg Mason After 35 Years


It will be the first time that Miller runs a business that is entirely his own.

The False Economic Promise Of Global Governance


Contrary to what we often hear, the world economy is not a global commons.

Has Anything Changed?


Improvement in economic data will need to exhibit greater consistency to exert meaningful upside pressure to bond yields.

U.S. Mutual Funds Boost Own Performance With Unicorn Mark-Ups


The private investments come at a risk—many are in young companies that have yet to make a profit.

U.S. Prime Money Funds Shorten Up As New Regulations Loom


The drop reflects managers making their funds more liquid to cope with outflows ahead of new regulations.

What's Really Wrong With the Unemployment Rate


To really understand the long-term health of the job market, there are better places to look than the unemployment rate.

Memphis Ministry's Muni-Bond Sales Being Investigated By SEC


The bonds financed low-income apartment complexes that were infested with roaches and in disrepair.

Citi: There Are Three Signs That Investor Sentiment Is Turning Bullish


Improving sentiment, a Citigroup equity strategist cautioned, is more of a contrarian indicator.

FintekNews Deal of the Day - Finova Financial Raises $52.5M


Are you inundated with as many car title television ads in your part of the world as we are in Atlanta? Now there's a new online venture that aims to bring car title loans do...

Robo Market Research


Big Market Researchaggregates andsells market researchcovering TONS of market categories, including premature ejaculation treatments (yup), energy-efficient buildings, liqu...

Mobile Banking Hacks


Note from the Publisher: Yup, our household's bank account just got hacked AGAIN earlier this week, a scenario we're sure all FintekNews readers can relate to. This time, a ...

Blockchain & Stock Issues


Note from the CEO: Innovation is running well ahead of regulation again (duh) with the potential to issue securities on a blockchain platform

Crime DOES Pay....In Bitcoin


Note from the CEO: Hello criminals and hackers

Fintech & The Internet of Things


Note from the Publisher: In ourmeanderingsacross the web searching for the best news inthe world of fintech, we seldom see IoT and fintech in the same sentence or headline...

The SEC Has Ticks


Note from the Publisher: Technically speaking, wehope the SEC doesnotACTUALLY haveticks, but weARE excited to hear that they are rollng out their newTick Pilot program....

FintekNews Weekly Update-KBW Nasdaq FinTech Index (KFTX)


Note from the Publisher: Recently, our friends at Nasdaq partnered with KBW to launch the Financial Technology Index (KFTX). FintekNews is devoted to covering this important...

Regulation And Demographics: Two Factors Behind The Rise Of Sustainable Investing


Culture and conduct are ever more important in how the financial system facilitates sustainable economic growth.