Consumers are hungry for us to be on #socialmedia and help. We must get through the compliance conversation issues & TALK to people! 

Important to bring employee policy and practices in line with reality and not have head in sand, via @Kathleen_Mayko

@randizuckerberg: You are perfectly positioned to offer gamified online courses to customers. How do you educate people in a fun way?

Facebook is your authentic identity. Make marketing personal again. 

72 million tweets about financial planning each year. ~@dangb #finserv

The average person swipes their phone 110 times a day to unlock, via @dangb

"ALL marketing is now direct" ... 1.75 billion smartphones in the world. ~@jkrohrs

Beyond sales, the goal should be to drive direct audience to your brand & loyalty to your brand.

The tools we have as marketers are unprecedented. Social. Data. Tech. ~@jkrohrs

Lose the idea that we (marketers) are more creative than consumers.