So maybe that's one reason we are reluctant to say we are salespeople. People who couldn't begin to walk in our shoes might look down on us. Please.

Another reason that it may not be good to be thought of as a salesman or saleswoman is that the regulators have run the salesman out of the room. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, the securities industry is riding a tiger it dare not dismount. "We don't know how much regulation is enough, so we'll overkill and err on the side of caution."

Well, if you are going to thrive in this business, you've got to deal with compliance issues and sell at the same time. Respect the regulations. Don't be bullied by them. I once read an article suggesting that we all should write an article about ourselves every Friday night, detailing exactly what we did during the week. Then we have to decide if we would like that article published in our Sunday hometown newspaper. If you don't want it published in the paper, don't do it. Behave accordingly and you'll avoid any and all legal and compliance issues.

And never, ever forget how important you are. Because of you, someday a young man or woman can go to college and not borrow money. Because of you, someday a couple can retire to Florida or Arizona and not stress about money. Because of you. You have put yourself in a place to change people's lives. Very few can make that claim. Wear that mantle proudly.

Be proud that you have the courage to do what you do. You go where most people fear to tread. Do not be afraid of your abilities. Do what you do best.

And don't be grating. Be sincere.

So, do we agree that selling is not a dirty word?


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