Craig Torres

 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16  

Covid Crisis Brings Regime Change For World’s Central Banks

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With rates already low, central bankers have looked to fiscal policy to stimulate the economy.

Powell Says Fed Has Made No Final Call On Digital Currency


More research will be necessary before the Fed issues a digital currency of its own.

Markets Tell the Fed It's Finally Getting An Edge On Inflation

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Fed officials are more worried about the economy running out of steam than overheating.

Traders Bet The Fed’s Bond-Buying Binge Has Just Begun

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A spike in coronavirus cases heightens the probability that the Fed will expand its bond buying.

Fed Will Begin Buying Broad Portfolio Of Corporate Bonds

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The central bank said it would follow a diversified market index of U.S. corporate bonds.

Fed Sees Zero Rates Through 2022, Commits To Keep Buying Bonds

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As expected, the Fed said it will keep rates low and continue quantitative easing in the near term.

Fed Vow Boosts Debt Binge As Borrowers Cut Thousands Of Jobs

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While the Fed has yet to buy a single bond, its pledge threw a lifeline to the market.

Powell Says Virus Poses Lasting Harm, More May Need To Be Done

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“The recovery may take some time to gather momentum," the Fed chairman said.

America’s Credit Whale Is Already Bailing Out Levered Companies

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The perception of Fed backing helps risky firms borrow anew and emboldens investors to make risky bets.

Fed To Buy Junk Bonds, Lend To States In Fresh Virus Support

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The money comes on top of the massive stimulus that the Fed had already announced.

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