Craig Torres

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Fed Voters Split With Powell Over Case For A Possible Rate Cut


Two Fed governors discuss the possibility of a rate cut days after the chairman said cuts were unlikely.

Powell Adopts Inflation Stance Yellen Shunned

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Rate increases are on hold as the Fed focuses on hitting a 2 percent inflation target.

Fed Minutes Show Some Rate Flexibility During Year Of Patience


The minutes show U.S. central bankers reacting to a fourth-quarter slowdown that appeared to be extending into the first three months of the year.

Fed Puts Markets On Notice About What It Needs For Rate Patience


The new buzzword on the Fed’s policy committee is “patient.”

Powell Sees Healthy U.S. Economy With ‘Crosscurrents’ To Watch

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Inflation remains muted, said Powell, and the Fed will take a patient approach on interest rates.

Fed Minutes Show Officials Unsure On Need For Rate Hikes In 2019

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The minutes elaborated on the dovish message the Fed delivered three weeks ago.

Fed Minutes To Shed Light On Biggest Policy Reversal In Years


Investors will search for clues on whether the Fed is near the peak of its tightening cycle.

Fed Adopts 'Patient' Rate Stance With Balance-Sheet Flexibility


The Federal Reserve said it will be “patient” on any future interest-rate moves.

Powell Says Fed Waiting And Watching With Patience On Rates

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Fed Chair Jerome Powell said the central bank can be patient before adjusting interest rates again.

Powell And Trump Are Locked In A Battle For Wall Street's Trust

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The president's criticism of the Federal Reserve has placed Jerome Powell in an awkward position.

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