Emily Cadman

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Red-Hot Housing Market Drives Biggest Home-Equity Drawdown Since 2007

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Homeowners are tapping into their properties' equity to fund renovations, invest in stocks and more.

Earn 7.12% Risk-Free On Your Savings, No Crypto Or Junk Bonds Needed


Rising inflation is responsible for the eye-popping headline rate.

Taxing Rich People's Empty Homes Isn't Helping The Housing Crisis

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L.A. is planning to put a vacant homes tax on the ballot for 2022, in the face of a mounting homelessness crisis.

When Getting Vaccinated Could Mean Winning A $1.4 Million Apartment

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Governments are using prizes to induce people to get vaccinated, but the effectiveness of the strategy is debatable.

Unloved 60/40 Strategy Needs A Modern Makeover To Win Over Skeptics


The concerns are about more than just the low returns from government bonds.

The Luxuries People Are Keeping To Feel Normal In Abnormal Times


People are grasping onto their sacrosanct daily pleasures to deal with an upended world.

Generation Z Is Bearing The Economic Brunt Of The Virus

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As the pandemic drags on, it’s exposing generational fault-lines.

Debt Likely To Be ‘Ground Zero’ In Next Financial Crisis, Says Oaktree's Marks

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Holding a defensive positioning, while not bailing out of investments completely, is the best approach, he says.

Tech Billionaire Buys Australia's Most Expensive Home For About $73 Million

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It's the largest privately owned beachfront holding on Sydney Harbour.

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