October 2007

Financial Planning As A Learned Profession

by Richard B. Wagner

Advisors are tilling and reaping in the garden of knowledge.

Nurturing Growth

by Mark Fadiman

How CEG Worldwide helped wealth management evolve from buzzword to industry discipline.

Software Finds The Human Touch

by Joel Bruckenstein

New software from SuccessFactors can make the difference in managing your personnel.

New Name, Same Game

by Marla Brill

Still in his early thirties, David Giroux has taken the reins of one of T. Rowe Price's most high-profile and successful funds.

Estate Planning For Noncitizens

by Michael D. Erickson

Avoid costly assumptions based on U.S. income tax principles.

Shifting Winds

by Eric L. Reiner

Year-end planning straddles the tax code‚s moving parts.

The New Retirement Wave

by William Glasgall

Planners will need to seek innovative ways to help keep the baby boomers from exhausting their nest eggs.

Triumphant Technology

by David J. Drucker

For some advisors, nothing brings success like finding the right technology.

Thinking Small

by Bruce W. Fraser

Small-cap funds should be in any portfolio, so don‚t let recent underperformance scare away clients.

The Five-Star Outsider


Money manager Robert Kleinschmidt thinks twice about companies that have been beaten up by the market mob.

Income Alternatives

by Eric Uhlfelder

Preferred stocks are some of the best sources of income that many investors don't know about.

Do Your Clients' Target Funds Measure Up?

by Marla Brill

How do market watchers come up with apples-to-apples comparisons of target-date funds?

Seeking Yield


Investors want dividends, but U.S. companies are holding too much cash.

Workflow Revisited

by BY David Lawrence

New software offers more than just a calendar and a to-do list.

It's A Start

by Mary Rowland

Insurance companies are beginning to givefee-only advisors, and their clients, the kind of lower-cost policies they‚ve long sought.

7 Steps To An Affluent Client Referral

by Hannah Shaw Grove & Russ Alan Prince

Don‚t forget the little things, like saying thanks. But be ready with the research, too.

The Year Of Making A Million

by Rebeca Pomering

Smart firms leverage staff to earn outsized income.

Planning From The Inside Out

by Roy Diliberto

Dealing with a client's hard financial data may mean discussing their most intense emotions about money.

Capitalizing on Boomers' Next Big Move

by Tracey Longo

Turn a blind eye to retiring clients' penchant for their next new home-and it's an opportunity lost.

Evaluating CRM Choices

by Andrew Gluck

More players and customized solutions mean better alternatives for advisors.

Preventive Medicine

by Tracey Longo

In this special report, Financial Advisor magazine looks at how more advisors are helping clients consider the impact of sky-rocketing health-care costs on retirement.

A Real (Estate) Mess


in the wake of the subprime debacle, investors rethink the ways they are investing in real estate.

Advisor Emporium


LTC Web Site Serves Advisors A new online resource center provides financial planners and investment advisors with information and generic marketing...

Editor's Note


Threats Seem Minimal Early in September, I was lucky enough to hear Rebecca Pomering and Philip Palaveev of Moss Adams present their latest...

Frontline News


Congress Grills "Senior" Advisor Designations Members of the Senate Special Committee on Aging grilled the financial services industry on...

Letters to the Editor


A Great Start I greatly enjoyed Patrick Chitwood‚s article (Financial Advisor, September 2007) on volatility and risk...