December 2011

Reorganized For Success


Wescott Financial Advisory Group Takes a Disciplined Approach To Growth. 

The VIX Fix

by Somnath Basu

Understanding and managing volatility.

Emotional Alpha

by Robert Laura

Advisors can ask themselves five questions to determine the value they add to each client relationship that's beyond investment performance.

Efficiency Tools

by David Lawrence

The challenge is finding the ones that improve your ability to get things done rather than creating unnecessary distractions.

Higher Ethics

by Bill Bachrach

Most financial advisors don't walk the talk, but they need to.

The Game Of Risk

by Mary Rowland

Men, women and advisors see it differently.

Avoiding Obsolescence

by Roy Diliberto

Independent financial advisors must avoid the same mistakes wirehouses made that cost them market share.

Free-Range Advisors


Custodians to independent advisors are in an arms race to give bigger, better software and practice management packages. 

Schwab's New View

by Joel P. Bruckenstein

Schwab unveils its turnkey solution to integrate systems in advisors' offices. 

Let's Get Personal

by James Picerno

Customizing socially responsible investing strategies is good for your clients (and your business). 

Potential In The Pipeline

by Jerilyn Klein Bier

Socially responsible investors anticipate opportunities in next-generation biofuels. 

Executive Roundtable

by Marie Swift

Challenges and opportunities for advisors, according to industry heavy hitters.

Still Ahead

by Marla Brill

ETF assets have more than quadrupled since 2004, but mutual funds are still favored by advisors.

Model-Free Investing

by James Picerno

Is equal weighting's agnostic view of asset-pricing theory an advantage?

Where The Returns Are

by Maureen Nevin Duffy

In the bond arena, emerging-market and high-yield offerings are top performers.  

The Neutrino Factor

by Scott MacKillop

Even Einstein's theory of relativity may have flaws. That should tell investment managers they should continuously question their own "truths."

Rewarding The Faithful

by Marla Brill

Nicholas Kaiser finds that investing according to Islamic virtues can also win handsome Earthly rewards.

Books Of The Year 2011

by Nick Murray

It was a year for quality, not quantity.

Advisor Emporium

Advisor Emporium

TCA Launches "Liberty" Trust Company of America (TCA) is rolling out a new mobile platform that will put registered investment advisors (RIAs) and their clients on the...

Editor's Note

Frontline News

Frontline News

Taxes: Changes For 2012 The standard deduction, personal exemption and certain other figures the Internal Revenue Service adjusts for inflation will take their...