FA Magazine

Planned Giving And The Affluent

by Hannah Shaw Grove and Russ Alan Prince

They want to contribute and are looking to you to show them how.

A Chance To Serve

by J. Michael Martin

Estate planning is not just about taxes.

What's Next For Equities?


The bubble has burst, and returns are likely to be in the single digits for some time.

Trying To Compute Chaos


New software offers novel approaches to deal with the uncertainties of estate taxes.

New Twists On Old Plots

by Eric L. Reiner

Certain financial moves will help your clients save big on taxes.

Exit Strategies That Pay Off

by Tracey Longo

Getting a fair price for a financial planning practice takes finesse.

Money Isn't The Motivation

by Raymond Fazzi

A new study finds many advisors are driven by utilitarian, not financial, considerations.

The Dean Of REITs

by Marla Brill

Leading REIT fund manager Robert Steers says those investments will be winners this year.

Harvesting Tax Losses With 1035 Exchanges

by Mimi Lord

Add value by moving underwater life insurance cash values into an annuity.

Needed: Paranoia About Privacy

by Deena Katz

We must educate our clients that protection of their data is a joint effort.


Charitable-Trust Services Available To LPL Reps Renaissance, the nation‚s largest charitable-trust administrator, will be providing services to registered representatives of...


The Day The World Changed September 14, 2001 Sometimes, world events change all of our lives and dwarf what happens in the financial services business...


FPA Nixes Conference After Terrorists Attacks; Advisors Worry About Clients The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon forced the cancellation of...

Beyond A Boutique

by Tracey Longo

Earl Wright built a billion-dollar advisory firm. Now he‚s taking over a bank trust unit.

The Style Police Are Watching

by Steve Savage

Advisors and investors often restrain fund managers, but does that detract from value?

How He Plays The Game

by Raymond Fazzi

Advisor Joseph N. Geier has built a practice that primarily caters to baseball players.

Estate Planning: The Advisor as CFO

by Hannah Shaw Grove and Russ Alan Prince

Advisors who coordinate estate planning strengthen client relationships.

Is It Cheap Yet?

by J. Michael Martin

Here‚s how we explain P/E ratios to our clients.

A Simpler Way To Give

by Raymond Fazzi

Donor-advised funds explode in popularity as a means for charitable giving.

Concerns Raised Over Annuity Premiums

by Alan Lavine

Some question whether insurers are reserving enough for guaranteed benefits.