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Gold Goes Nowhere; Bitcoin Goes Somewhere.....DOWN.


(3/24/17) FintekNews does a daily analysis of bitcoin vs gold after the market close including commentary from our CEO on investing in both

The Health Care Vote And The Stock Market


The market rally has been based on the expectation that Trump and the Republicans would enact meaningful change.

Mnuchin Promises Individual, Corporate Tax Cuts In Overhaul

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"We're going to do tax reform as absolute," he said.

The Markets Don't Care About Health Care As Long As They Get Their Tax Cuts

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Investors are looking ahead to the Trump administration's plans for tax reform and pro-growth economic policies.

What Happened To Banker Bashing?


It seems the post crisis fury has faded, possibly overshadowed by outrage over the global wealth gap.

SEC Readying Test Of Lower Exchange Fees


Brokers have long complained that fees the exchanges charge are too high.

Senate Panel Presses SEC Nominee Clayton On Conflicts

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Attorney Jay Clayton, however, is expected to win confirmation easily despite his ties to Wall Street firms.

U.S. Financial Confidence May Not Hinge On Trump Tax Plan


Americans' financial confidence rose independent of expectations for tax reform, according to a survey.

Healthcare, Healthcare, Healthcare


(3/23/17) FintekNews does a daily analysis of the KBW Nasdaq Fintech Index, the 50 stocks in the index and the market overall

Gold Meets Resistance. Bitcoin Meets Problems. Stay Away.


(3/23/17) FintekNews does a daily closing analysis of the pricing of bitcoin vs gold with trading notes and commentary from CEO Bill Taylor

Goji Launches First P2P Lending Bond


FintekNews is reporting that British firm Goji has rolled out the first ever P2P Bond, with a target ROR of 5%, higher than savings accounts

Fintech's Future Is With China?


FintekNews is commenting on a recently published piece stating that China is the Future of Fintech, and we'll have to agree to disagree - but listen, too

Wells Fargo Rolls Out Cardless ATMs


FintekNews is reporting that Wells Fargo is rolling out cardless ATMS at its 13,000+ locations, that can be accessed with customers mobile apps

Gift Cards Are The New Digital Currency


FintekNews is reporting on the trend to consider gift cards as a form of currency, and we argue that it is in fact a form of digital currency.

U.S. Workers Strongly Support State-Sponsored Retirement Accounts


AARP says 85 percent of workers support legislation creating state-sponsored retirement plans.

U.S. Fines Experian $3M For Deceiving Customers About Its Credit Scores


The bureau fined Experian for falsely telling customers its credit scores were used by lenders.

Big Banks Targeted In Gender Equity Push


Arjuna Capital has filed investor resolutions to force pay equality at banks and credit card companies.

Mnuchin's Mission


U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is caught between the political promises of Trump and reality.

Americans Ill-Prepared For Health-Care Costs


Americans aren't coping with rising health-care costs, and few are saving for the future.

Senate Should Rein In States' Retirement Plans


State-run IRAs create thorny problems and the U.S. Senate might have to step in.