retreat in Galveston Island, Texas, that will focus on the art and
science of financial planning, and an annual meeting in Seattle, are
among the 2007 events recently announced by the Financial Planning
The organization
says it has six conferences and events planned for the year,
culminating with Financial Planning Week October 1-7.
The events are:
FPA Business
Solutions 2007, February 6-8, Westin Westminster, Westminster, Colo.:
The conference, which is in its second year, will focus on business
management issues and techniques. For more information, visit www.FPASolutions.org.
FPA Retreat
2007, May 5-8, Moody Gardens Hotel, Spa and Convention Center,
Galveston Island, Texas: The focus will be on financial planning but it
"is as much about connecting and conversation as it is about advanced
education and pushing the boundaries of financial planning," according
to FPA. For more information visit www.FPARetreat.org.
FPA Residency
Program: The program will be offered several times during the year as a
"client-centered training experience using wide-ranging detailed case
studies," according to FPA. For more information visit www.FPAnet.org/Residency.
FPA NexGen 2007,
July 19-22, St. John's University, St. Cloud, Minn.: The event is
described as an affordable "content-rich meeting for future leaders of
the financial planning profession." For more information visit www.FPAnet.org/NexGen.
FPA Seattle
2007, September 8-11, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle: The
organization's annual meeting, including educational sessions,
prominent speakers, pre-conference workshops and more than 250
exhibitors. For more information visit www.FPAAnnualConvention.org.
Planning Week, October 1-7: The annual event will focus on increasing
public awareness of the financial planning process. For more
information visit www.FinancialPlanningWeek.org.