Sustaining the commitment

Ongoing communication

Coaching to meet lifetime financial goals

Monitoring the financial plan or the portfolio

Evaluating and reporting on the plan or portfolio

This is a good time for you to consider how to keep and grow your clients for life. What kinds of things increase the probability of developing lifetime clients? For example, if a client asked you, "Now that I'm a valued client, what should I expect from you?" they are, in essence, trying to understand your retention and growth process. Do you have a retention and growth process? How can elements of this process be included in the last step of your existing client relationship process?

Brand Your Process

Now that you have your process well thought out, your steps are in order, and you've come up with some ideas that would add more value, what will you call it? Yes, your process should have a name; otherwise it's just another generic presentation. A name breeds recognition and branding.

I've witnessed my participants agonizing over different names for their process. When you come to grips with your final decision, you become even more convincing and your message is even more compelling. An advisor I know, Bobby Present, calls his process, The Present Process. Nicholas-Applegate has created a diamond-shaped unique solution process with the alliterative (and therefore more easily remembered) four steps: analyze, ascertain, assess and align. Mine is called "The Value Ladder Process." What are you going to call yours?

Good luck with developing your Unique Process. Keep in mind that the higher you climb the Value Ladder, the closer you get to establishing a good rapport with your prospects and clients, and the more they will feel comfortable and committed to you.

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