While more than two-thirds of Americans think estate planning is at least somewhat important, only 26% actually have an estate plan, according to new survey data.

Having a financial advisor, however, means someone is four times more likely to have an estate plan or be ready to put one in place within the next two years, according to the survey by FreeWill, a Chicago-based company that partners with non-profits to make estate planning tools available to anyone for free.

The survey was conducted in the first week of March and collected responses from 2,000 U.S. adults.

One reason for the disconnect may be that wealthier people, especially males, are the ones who are likeliest to have an estate plan, the survey found.

For example, while only 26% of American adults have an estate plan, that percentage rises to 50% for those with assets greater than $500,000. And while 32% of men have estate plans, only 23% of women do.

The FreeWill survey also identified a new trend: Intergenerational wealth transfer is not limited to bequests upon death.

“Notably, financial behaviors surrounding various forms of giving—both during respondents' lifetimes and how they define their future beneficiaries—are evolving,” the survey said. “Parents of adult children are increasingly helping pay for significant expenses such as education and weddings, as well as purchasing homes and automobiles. They also help with smaller, recurring expenses such as groceries, utilities and internet/cell phone bills.”

In fact, 51% of parents with children 21 and older said they have already made significant contributions to their children’s lives—53% said they’ve either already contributed to those large expenses, like a home, car or wedding, or that they expect to.

And among those respondents who already have estate plans, 70% of men said that their plan involves giving while they are alive, while 53% of women echoed that sentiment.

"Practically speaking, what that means is that the oft-discussed $84 trillion Great Wealth Transfer is already here,” said Jenny Xia Spradling, co-CEO of FreeWill. “Our data also makes clear that parents aren't waiting to give until after they're gone; they're increasingly giving while they're still here to help their adult children today.

“Given this shift in giving habits, financial planning professionals are ideally suited to maximize intergenerational wealth for their clients through greater attention paid to estate planning."

But not all family members are treated equally, the survey found.

Just 31% of baby boomers who have a pet and an estate plan accounted for their pet through a will or pet trust. However, 69% of millennial and Gen Z respondents had named their pet in their will or created a pet trust, the survey said.