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Investors Sticking With ETFs In Stock Picker's Market


European investors are piling into ETFs, favoring those that mimic active fund managers.

It’s Not Just Trump That Can Derail The Great Reflation Trade

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Economists have raised doubts about how pro-growth policies might materialize.

LPL Closes Out A Challenging Year


The company was hit hard by a drop-off in the sales of annuities and alternatives.

DeVoe: RIA M&A Activity Shattered Records (Again) In 2016


Breakaways from wirehouses, IBDs and other RIAs also continued to surge in 2016, a report says.

U.S. Exorbitant Privilege At Risk?!


The U.S. dollar has continued to be the currency in which many countries hold their foreign reserves, but that could change.

Heard of the Ethics & Governance of Artificial Intelligence Fund?


In response to our question in the headline, we're going to guess not, because we hadn't either until recently. Yet the Knight Foundation of Miami, funded by the family ...

Bitcoin vs Gold (2/9)


Bitcoin IS the New Gold In celebrationof the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's (CME) launch of two new bitcoin indexes (BRR & BRTI), FintekNews iscomparing the price of bitc...

Caregiving Costs Higher Than You Probably Think


Americans report struggling with the financial and emotional burdens of caregiving, a new survey says.

Labor Dept. Seeks To Stay Pending Legal Challenge On Fiduciary Rule


The department said the stay is needed in light of President Trump's request for a rule review.

Vanguard's 2016 Net Inflows Put It Atop Fund World


Vanguard is dominating the fund business, more than doubling the 2016 inflows of its nearest competitor.

SEC Needs To Get Tech Savvy, Congressman Says


The regulatory agency is behind the curve when it comes to financial technology, Rep. Patrick McHenry said.

Adapting To The New Globalization

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Acknowledgement of globalization’s disruptive effects on millions of advanced-economy workers is long overdue.

The IMF Staff Has Gotten It Right On Greece


The longer European governments oppose debt reduction for Greece, the harder it will be for the country to recover.

The CFPB Keeps A Database That Banks Can't Wait To Wipe


A seemingly benign catalogue of consumer complaints is one of banks' biggest gripes. Trump can fix that for them.

White House Eyeing Order Targeting 'Conflict Minerals' Rule: Sources

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The Dodd-Frank rule requires companies to disclose their use of minerals from war-torn parts of Africa.

Brexit In A Brave New World


Economic theory predicts that erecting new trade barriers hurts both sides.

The Big Reason Whites Are Richer Than Blacks In America


Inheritance matters a lot more than previously thought.

These 20 Companies Offer Incredible (And Unusual) Benefits


Today's office perks go above and beyond the typical handful of paid days off.

Young Americans Would Rather Disclose Their STDs Than Their Debts


This survey found that serious debt was the second-biggest romantic deal-breaker, after workaholism.