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Chatbot Job Threat


Have time for a chat.......bot? We at FintekNews have been well aware that robots are working into the workforce and replacing jobs, but now chatbots may even just replace.....YOU! Now hold on

Bitcoin & CME'S Future


As a follow up to our piece a few days ago on the launch of the BRR (bitcoin reference rate) and BRTI (bitcoin real time index) by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and London b...

FintekNews-KFTX Fintech Index-11/10 Daily Closing Analysis


By Bill Taylor-CEO, Fintegration/FintekNews & CIO, TLC Capital Group11/10/16 Daily Closing Analysis - NASDAQ Fintech Index (KFTX) ------------------------------- Fintech stalls

Post-Election Volatility—We've Only Just Begun


The market's post-election swing is a sign of things to come, according to market participants.

Goldman Sachs Names 84 New Partners, Most Since 2010 Class


The promotions, which take place every two years, are up from the 78 appointed in 2014.

Jack Rivkin, Altegris CEO, Dies

by FA Staff

Long-time investment professional Jack Rivkin died Tuesday after a long battle with cancer at 77.

Gundlach: Stocks Rally Because Investors Believe Trump Better For Economy


Jeffrey Gundlach said Trump will look to boost growth and inflationary pressures and that is a negative for government bonds.

Election Results May Not Trump The DOL Rule


A new president has been elected, but the same DOL rule will likely take effect, say advisory industry executives.

SEC's Investor Advocate Favors Markup Proposal


The SEC’s investor advocate has come out in support of disclosing markups and markdowns on bond trades.

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Asks For Unity In Post-Election Memo


Speaking of those who voted for Trump, Dimon said "We need to listen to those voices."

Market Turmoil Eases As Investors Weigh Trump's Plan For Economy


U.S. stocks fluctuated as speculation Trump will pursue business-friendly policies offset broader uncertainty.

Democratic Filibusters May Save Dodd-Frank, DOL Rule


Get ready for four years of light-touch regulation.

Chief House SEC Overseer Defeated


Rep. Scott Garrett will need to be replaced as chair of the House capital markets subcommittee.

Trump Magnifies Glass-Half-Empty Economy To Sway Castoff Workers


Rising income inequality helped fuel the widespread voter anger that motivated many Trump voters.

BlackRock Said In Talks To Move Headquarters To 50 Hudson Yards


The firm is currently in two buildings close to one another, Park Avenue Tower and 40 East 52nd St.

Financial Models Go Haywire As 'Tail-Risk Trump' Lives Up To His Name


Stocks, bonds, and currencies were rattled by the vote, registering market moves that are supposed to be incredibly rare.

Goldman Sachs Says Trump Win Doesn't Mean Too Much For S&P 500


One prominent Wall Street prognosticator is keeping his year-end S&P 500 Index target unchanged.

When Banking & Groceries Don't Mix


Note from the Publisher: So if you had a bad weekend this past weekend, you can take heart because it was probably not as bad as that of British firm Tesco. Tesco, the third...

RegTech & Cybersecurity Now Trump Robos on RIA's Minds


Note from the Publisher: Since we've been publishing, and even before, the wealth management industry has been focused on ROBOS, ROBOS, ROBOS. "Will they take over my practi...