'Diversification' in retirement goes well beyond asset class, Allianz argues.
Boosting the percentage of stocks in a portfolio above 50% won't have much impact on starting safe withdrawal rate.
Annuities have been selling like hotcakes. Whether that's good or bad depends on whom you ask.
The change could lead to more of these annuities, whose sales hit $20.4 billion in 2022's first half.
Time out of the workplace cuts retirement savings by 35%, a new study finds.
Women face a tougher retirement road than men because of lower wages and other factors, according to the Transamerica study.
Under the arrangement, Halo will distribute more of Jackson's annuities.
The rocky stock market continued to make annuities an attractive option for investors, according to LIMRA.
The fee-based platform will direct consumers to advisors who specialize in low-cost annuities and insurance products.
After enjoying record growth, annuities just got another big boost with the Fed's move.
Annuities are coming to defined contribution plans, but are they right for every client?
Many of the tax advantages of previous years have disappeared behind congressional sunsets. Will some come back?
Social Security bridging strategies are a better alternative for those with large savings, the research firm said.
In a classic underdog story, annuities might have another shot at the title, experts say.
The maximum monthly benefit hits $4,485 in January, helping even wealthy investors navigate stock market declines.
The products' surge in popularity during the pandemic has turned out to be short-lived, the research company said.
Social Security bridging strategies are a better alternative for those with large savings, the firm said.
A Finra arbitration panel agreed that the policies were unsuitable for a retired Florida couple.