FA News

The Biggest Digital Exchanges Are Teaming Up To Police The Crypto Space


The Virtual Commodity Association is meant to develop industry standards, promote transparency and work with regulators.

Economists Say Trump's Tariffs Are Unfavorable For U.S. Growth


A recent survey also found economists pessimistic about the long-term impact of tax reform.

Gundlach Warns Record Treasury Shorts Risk Pain On Squeeze

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Jeff Gundlach warned of an increase in short positions against U.S. Treasuries.

The $23 Trillion Argument Against Dismantling U.S Earnings Rules

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The proposal to move to biannual earnings reporting may bring unintended consequences, according to investors.

Investor Lawsuit Caps A Rough Year For This Veteran ETF Manager


Benjamin Fulton and his former ETF firm have been sued for alleged misrepresentation and securities fraud.

Oil Set For Longest Losing Run Since 2015 On Economy


Oil has retreated about 13 percent from the three-year high reached at the end of June.

When Clients Tear Up Retirement Plans


Advisors need a Plan B when clients change things up and retire early, Morningstar says.

Louisiana Bans Bank Of America, Citi From Bond Sale Over Gun Policies

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The state removed both banks from its upcoming debt sale due to their "restrictive" policies on firearms.

The ETF Built For Active Managers Is Getting Some Love


State Street overcomes managers’ suspicion of ETFs with a product that shuns the indexes

Mortgage Investors Don’t Think Fed’s Exit Means Goodbye Forever


It’s widely forecast that by October the central bank will no longer reinvest any proceeds back into mortgages.

Advisor Uses Simplicity To Ease Client Fears About Running Out Of Money


His firm takes numerous steps to nip retirement fears in the bud.

$1.5 Trillion In Corporate Cash Is Coming To America


Asset managers like Fidelity, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are preparing for a deluge of corporate cash.

Crypto Trading Revenue May Double, Bernstein Says


Though some tokens have lost big this year, the financial industry should profit from cryptocurrency trading.

Trump Seeks SEC Study Of 6-Month Reporting Instead Of Quarterly

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The SEC has been asked to study whether U.S. businesses would be better off with quarterly reporting.

Trump Pushes China For Better Deal With Trade Talks Set To Resume

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Onlookers believe that Trump seeks lower import tariffs, intellectual property protection and a lower trade deficit.

Don't Fear Flattening, It's No Sure Sign Of Recession: Goldman


Flattening and inverted yield curves may not presage a recession, said Goldman Sachs analysts.

Fidelity Registers A Record Number Of 401(k) Millionaires In Q2


Auto-enrollment is helping savers, the fund company said.

Millennials In Search Of Advisors


Young people should look to their parents' advisors for help, a New Jersey advisor says.

Consumer, Industry Groups Pay To Test SEC Best-Interest Disclosures On Investors


Consumer groups are testing to see if SEC documents can be understood by regular people.

Vestmark Releases New Capabilities For Vestmark One


Vestmark One's new feature beefs up options trading for retail managed accounts.