College Planning/529 Plans

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Ed Slott Offers Three Strategies For Tax-Efficient Charitable Giving


Some clients may benefit from using their entire lifetime tax exemption this year, the consultant said.

Elite Universities Are Amassing Wealth With Astonishing Speed


It's raising questions about whether rich schools should pay more in taxes.

Americans Ramp Up Credit-Card Spending In Return To Old Habits


Americans are piling on new debt as the pandemic fades.

Higher-Education Critics Launch University Of Austin


The board of advisers for the new endeavor includes former Harvard University President Larry Summers.

New College Grads Are Making Gains In Employment And Wages During Pandemic


The unemployment rate for recent college grads improved to 5.4% in September.

Gen Z Builds Savings, Focuses On Finances Coming Out Of Pandemic


Bank of America found that 70% of Gen Z members it surveyed added to their savings in the past year.

One Thing That Hasn't Kept Up With Inflation This Year: College Tuition

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Broader inflation is rising due to supply-chain issues and labor shortages.

Dept. Of Education Waiver Could Help Half A Million Student Borrowers


A temporary change in the student loan forgiveness program could save borrowers billions in repayments.

Boomers Face Higher Student-Loan Bills When U.S. Moratorium Ends


Compared to younger borrowers, Baby Boomers have more student debt and at higher interest rates.

College Enrollments Sink In The Midwest, Causing Budget Trouble For Schools

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There are fewer 18-year-olds to fill classrooms. That means less revenue for colleges.

Parents In 'Varsity Blues' College Admissions Scam Found Guilty Of All Charges


For both men, the most serious charge carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.

Americans Have More Than $460 Billion In College Savings Plans. It's Not Enough


About 15 million families put money into 529 savings plans, up from about 10 million in 2011.

Big Endowment Returns Pressure U.S. Colleges To Boost Spending


Schools will be called on to spend more on financial aid, one university official said.

'Varsity Blues' Mastermind Made $28 Million In College Scam


William Singer spent more than $20 million of his money, some of it in furtherance of the scheme, a witness at his trial said.

College Scam Coach Says She Made Only A Few Thousand Dollars


A former soccer coach at USC testified that she helped sneak children of the wealthy into school sports.

College Scandal Parents Say 'VIP List' Proves Admissions A Game


Lawyers arguing Varsity Blues cases say college admission privileges are an open secret.

College-Scandal Parents' Guilty Plea Leaves 6 Awaiting Trial


California media executive Elisabeth Kimmel will be the 32nd parent to plead guilty.

A Look At The Most Popular MBA Concentrations


Modern MBA programs include plenty of options so students can focus on a particular aspect of business.

Boarding School Attended By Tucker Carlson Joins In Muni Market Sales Boom


Most independent schools were able to reopen, even as public schools struggled to bring students back.

U.S. College Endowments Post Best Annual Performance Since 1986


U.S. stocks were a key driver, with the S&P 500 returning 41% including dividends over the past fiscal year.

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