College Planning/529 Plans

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2021’s Best-Value Colleges And Universities


Schools that offer name recognition and quality education offer the best bang for the buck, according to WalletHub.

Harvard Opposes U.S. Plan To Limit Stay Of Foreign Students


The objections are made as enrollment plummets at many U.S. colleges.

Chicago Booth Business School Goes Online After Outbreak

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Students were informed of the move on Wednesday.

New Students At U.S. Colleges Drop, Worsening Campus Crisis


There are signs that enrollment is plummeting, putting some schools at financial risk.

Princeton Renames A College For Ariel CEO, Dumps Woodrow Wilson Over Racism


The school's trustees said Wilson's persistent “racism makes him an inappropriate namesake.”

Financial Education In Schools May Do More Harm Than Good


Women may not feel the objective benefits they're getting from a personal financial literacy education.

What To Tell Clients Seeking A College Refund For Covid Chaos?


There are options but getting refunds amid the current upheaval in higher learning is hard.

Many Student Loan Borrowers Wish They Had Picked Cheaper Colleges


Nearly half of borrowers didn't estimate their monthly payments before taking out the loans, Finra Foundation says.

Covid Risk, Online Classes Spur Drop In U.S. College Enrollments


Undergraduate enrollments dropped 2.5% for the current academic year, say researchers.

Parents Leery Of Paying Full College Tuition For Virtual Learning


A Fidelity study found that most parents are saving for college, but many are questioning the cost.

Warren, Schumer Push Biden To Cancel Student Debt


The Democratic senators propose cancelling up to $50,000 in student loan debt per person.

Drop In College Tuition Is Helping Hold Down U.S. Inflation

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Even with the drop, college costs have surged in the last two decades, far outpacing inflation.

Harvard, Princeton Rush To Sell Debt To Yield-Hungry Buyers

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Many global investors are finding the long-term stable outlook of colleges appealing as weaker borrowers stumble.

GradGuard Adds Covid-19 Coverage To College Housing And Tuition Insurance


GradGuard Adds Covid-19 Coverage To College Housing And Tuition Insurance GradGuard, an e-commerce platform offering insurance products specifically designed for the collegiate market, has...

Upheaval In Education


College was supposed to be a time when young adults form a long-term perspective on what they want to do in life. Today, they are trying to figure out what to do next month.

Many Student Loan Recipients Regret Not Picking Cheaper Colleges


Nearly half of borrowers didn't estimate their monthly payments before taking out the loans, the Finra Foundation reported.

Pandemic Drives Surge In Students Seeking Financial Aid


College financial aid offices are being swarmed as students' plans fall into disarray.

Deserted College Dorms Sow Trouble For $14 Billion In Muni Bonds

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Colleges for years have been turning to private companies for student housing.

NYC Holds Allure For 2020 Graduates With Dreams Of Big-City Life


Living in New York is still the dream for a lot of this year’s college graduates.

Colleges Embrace Covid Testing As Key For Safe Returns To Campus

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Many students who return to campuses will experience some form of testing.

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