FA News

Some Doubt LTC Insurance Industry's Future As Premiums Spiral Upward


Genworth just won a premium increase of 58 percent—part of an ongoing series of price hikes in the industry.

JPMorgan, BlackRock Say Troubled Trump May Hit Emerging Markets


Donald Trump's political troubles could cause him to push for higher tariffs, strategists said.

Bitcoin ETFs Won't Be Coming Anytime Soon Thanks To The SEC

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The SEC rejected requests to list nine cryptocurrency funds on Wednesday.

Here's What May Happen To Your Taxes If Democrats Win The House


A corporate rate hike and carried interest repeal are likely on the party's agenda.

Investors Favored Passive, Defensive Funds In July, Morningstar Says


More than $32 billion flowed into U.S. long-only funds in July, after $22 billion of outflows in June.

Will The Market Crash If Trump Is Impeached? Here's What Analysts Say

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It’s hard to say the equity market doesn’t owe at least some of its altitude to the president.

Jackson Hole History Suggests Market Calm To Follow Powell Debut

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"Recent Jackson Hole symposia have been fairly boring,” one analyst said.

'America First' Risks Making U.S. Assets A Costly Last Resort


U.S. sanctions and tariff threats are driving yet more cash toward American markets.

Credit Suisse Fires Two Bankers Over 2010 Assault Case


The incident dates back to 2010 and involves a male employee assaulting a female subordinate.

Like Prince, Aretha Leaves Heirs Without A Will


Aretha Franklin is among a long line of celebrities who died after skipping estate planning altogether.

NYC Is The Capital Of A Booming Artificial Intelligence Industry


New York boasts the highest percentage of AI and machine learning positions in a single metro area.

SEC Charges Venture Capitalist With Stealing Millions


Michael Rothenberg agreed to settle charges he misappropriated more than $20 million of investor's money.

Spouses Can Benefit From Coordinated Social Security Strategies


Some filing strategies for couples were eliminated, but spouses can still coordinate their benefits.

Advisors Say Rubio's Universal Leave Idea Could Devastate Social Security


Sen. Marco Rubio would allow people to tap into Social Security early to pay for parental leave.

Commonwealth Recruits $700 Million Indiana Firm


Commonwealth Financial announced earlier this week that a $400M firm joined from the same city.

Fed Signals Readiness To Hike Again If Economy Stays On Track


They aim to give the economy room to run while also trying to keep inflation expectations anchored.

Yale's Endowment Won't Invest In Outlets That Sell Assault Weapons


The policy applies to traditional retail distributors, promoters and dealers.

JPMorgan Is Dismissing About 100 People In Asset Management


The staff changes represent about 1 percent to 2 percent of the division.

Facebook Investors Who Bought The Historic Dip Aren't Seeing A Quick Recovery


The company's share price has gained back only 1 percent of last month's 19 percent plunge.

One Investor Pulled Record Cash From European Financials Fund


Someone’s lost faith in an ETF stuffed with European financial stocks. Blame Turkey.