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'Buy America' Was A Bad Idea Last Century. It's A Worse One Now.


Recycling these old rules in the new infrastructure plan won't create more jobs or make the U.S. more competitive.

The Racial Wealth Gap In 2064


A new paper by two CFPs and a Yale student highlights the stubborn persistence of racial wealth disparities.

What Biden Is Really Picking With A Fed Boss


The institution usually matters as much as the individual leader

How To Incorporate Philanthropy Into Your Practice


Two advisors weigh in on the benefits of including philanthropy as part of a multi-faceted wealth management protocol.

Big Firm Challenges In Building A UMH


A unified managed household is an exciting opportunity for investors, advisors and firms.

Using Dividends For Retirement Income And Capital Preservation


Clients who use dividends to fund a retirement should understand the risks.

Wall Street Is Underestimating The Economic Recovery


The U.S. should be able to sustain stronger rates of growth for years to come thanks to pandemic-related changes.

When Will Stocks Drop? Watch Profit Margins (and Get Nervous)


The evidence is mounting that companies are having a harder time passing off cost increases to their customers.

Ten Ways To Teach Clients To Increase Their Savings


Helping clients save money will strengthen your relationship with them.

Michael Jackson's Estate And The Challenge Of Valuing Intangible Assets

by ,

The estate recently won a major victory against the Internal Revenue Service.

SEC Rules For Workplace Data Would Be Good For Investors


U.S. regulators are considering better standards for disclosures about workers. America can't afford to wait.

Vaccine-Mandated Retirements Are Here


Vaccine mandates are the latest factor causing people to consider immediate retirement.

Americans Are Sleeping More, If Not Necessarily Better


Average snooze time is up, but so is the percentage of Americans catching less than seven hours of shut-eye.

Preparing High Earners For Capital Gains Tax Hikes


What would tax planning look like in a higher-rate environment?

Gray Divorce: What Financial Planners Should Know


Planning for retirement is one thing. Planning for retirement after a mid-life divorce is quite another.

Workers Are Gaining At The Expense Of Shareholders


The reason why the aftermath of pandemics push up real wages is because of the shortage of labor.

This Wedding Boom Could Lead To A Bad Hangover


History indicates that marriages are stronger when consummated during troubled rather than boom times.

Potential Impacts On Financial Services Providers Of New Biden Executive Order


The president will not be able to implement everything on his vast wish list.

Resurrect Forgotten Technology--The Value Of Handwritten Notes


Eleven reasons to pick up a pen and start writing personal notes.

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