Social Security

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TIAA, IRI Back Bill Requiring Retirement Plan Income Projections


The proposed legislation would require retirement plans to project the lifetime income of an individual's savings.

Beating Conventional Wisdom Using Roth IRAs

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The best withdrawal outcomes require sophisticated analysis.

Social Security Admin Slammed For Ignoring GAO's Advice


The congressional watchdog claimed Social Security has ignored 90 percent of its recommendations since 2011.

The Rich Are Living Longer And Taking More From Taxpayers


Social Security and other government programs, such as Medicare, are becoming a much better deal for well-off Americans.

Financial ‘Blind Spots’ Are Hurting You And Your Clients


Why ignoring strategies that incorporate reverse mortgages can be costly.

Some People Can Now Apply Online For Joint SSI, Disability Benefits


To be eligible to apply online, a person must meet certain criteria.

Senior Political Clout Growing As Nation Ages, Says Senator


Senator Collins says older Americans are receiving better treatment in a panoply of areas.

Retiring Baby Boomers Struggle with Debt, Credit Management


According to TransUnion, baby boomers are struggling to manage their credit around retirement.

Sanders’ Social Security Plan


Bernie Sanders announced legislation that promises to expand Social Security benefits and stabilize the system for decades.

More Americans Live In Fear Of Retiring Poor


The senior citizen poverty rate could approach levels not seen since the Great Depression, a report says.

As The Baby Boomers Retire, Many Don't Get Financial Advice


It's not just Americans -- retirement advice eludes many throughout the English-speaking world.

The Facts About Social Security, Medicare May Surprise You


One, Social Security does matter for your high-income clients. Two, Medicare is not facing a financial crisis.

Trump Immigration Moves Could Mean Big Bills For Seniors


With a reduction in immigrants, home-care costs may soar.

Sanders Suggests Upping Social Security Tax Cap On Incomes Over $250K


Only incomes above $127,000 and below $250,000 would be exempt under the Vermont senator's plan.

More Americans Are Retiring Abroad—But Do They Have a Plan?


The number of Americans retiring abroad has steadily increased over the past 15 years.

Rethinking Retirement Liability

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By using a different kind of metric, we can better imagine what retirees will need in the age of longevity.

House Tax Chief Brady: Social Security Changes Not Coming Soon


“Social Security is not the focus of Congress today,” said the House power.

Controversial Pick For Budget Director Says National Debt Needs Fast Action

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Bernie Sanders says Mick Mulvaney’s philosophy is opposite of Trump’s vow not to cut Social Security or Medicare.

Student Loan Debts Plague Older Americans


The number of people over age 60 who owe student loans has quadrupled in a decade, says a federal report.

Get Ready To Pay $500 More In Taxes


Why an automatic change in a Social Security rule may sting in 2017.

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