Social Security

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House SEC Oversight Job Goes To Congressman Opposing Fiduciary Rule


Michigan Congressman Bill Huizenga has also been a proponent of Social Security privatization for younger workers.

Senior Suicides Could Rise If Social Security And Medicare Cut, Experts Warn


The additional stress and worry caused by financial challenges could tip the scales for some individuals, they say.

CPAs Issue Social Security Warning


Restrictions are placed on Social Security benefits if you are still working, warns the California Society of CPAs.

Don’t Let Clients Miss Thousands In Obamacare Credits


With a bit of tax planning, middle-income clients could pocket credits worth thousands of dollars.

Old Age Poverty Looming As Retirees, Pre-Retirees With Student Debt Soar


The soaring number of retirement-age Americans with student debt is putting tens of thousands at risk of poverty.

To Congress and Trump, Workers Say 'Save Social Security'


More employees are recovering from the Great Recession, but some are still worried about retirement, says Transamerica.

Web Social Security Calculators Aren't Idiot-Proof


They can get widely disparate results, warns the Social Security Administration.

Qualified Charitable Distributions


These IRA distributions to charity are now permanent and offer some people significant tax savings.

Prudential: Lack of Knowledge Exacerbates U.S. Retirement Shortfall


Retirement saving is a top priority for most Americans, but only 50% of pre-retirees say they have a strong plan.

U.S. Financial Hopes Dim Ahead Of Trump Presidency


Americans are pessimistic about their finances under Trump, but would have been more so under Clinton.

Social Security Speeding Disability Claims For Vets


The agency said computerization will allow it to speed up claims processing.

Advice For The Next President: Expand Social Security


Professor Jesse Rothstein says expanding Social Security is both helpful for American retirement savers and doable.

Tax More, Raise Age To Provide Social Security Benefits, Voters Say


A majority of Democrats and Republicans support raising Social Security taxes to pay future benefits, a new survey says.

U.S. Social Security Benefits To Rise 0.3% In 2017


There was no increase in 2015-2016 because of dampened inflation.

Electoral Politics Poison Affluent Investor Outlook


Concerns about the election are weighing on affluent investors' outlook for financial markets and the economy.

Thieves Need Only A Social Security Number To Steal, Consumer Advocate Says


The consumer advocate disputed the idea that thieves need more than a Social Security number to steal from consumers.

Social Security Website Beats Field Office As First Step For Claimants


For accuracy’s sake, people should first go to the SSA’s website before they visit a field office, said the acting Social Security administrator.

Tie Retirement Savings Plans To Workers, Not Employers, Study Says


Retirement savings plans should follow workers through their careers as does Social Security, this study says.

GAO Charges Social Security Leaving Recipients In The Dark


The GAO and others say Social Security needs to provide Americans with more information about their choices.

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