Social Security

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When Spending Is Harder Than Saving


It’s surprising how little clients may need from their portfolios.

People Expect Government To Fund Almost Half of Retirement Income


The average person among 15 countries continues to expect government to provide income when he or she retires, a survey says.

Social Security Is Keeping Personal Info Away From Hackers, Says Congressman


But he berated the agency for poor information security systems and practices that led to a cyber attack two years ago.

Not Junk Mail: This Social Security Letter Can Cut Medicare Costs


More than 2 million seniors are receiving letters telling them they could be eligible for prescription drug subsidies.

Will Future Health-Care Cost Inflation Devour Wealth?


Health-care costs are projected to increase at a greater than 5 percent annual clip over the next two decades.

How Clients Get The Most From Social Security's Survivor Benefit


A new paper shows why it may make sense for a widow to take her own benefit first, and switch to the survivor benefit later.

Conventional Wisdom Can Cost A Retiree Money


Individuals should use a mix of withdrawal strategies and Social Security in retirement, say two experts.

Aging Erodes Financial Literacy, Study Finds


Complicating matters, the researchers also found people grow more confident in their money skills as they grow old.

Using Retirement Money Can Be Scary


Charles DiVencenzo Jr. says advisors need to help clients use their retirement savings wisely.

Young Advisors To Watch In 2016


These young advisors are learning the ropes differently and thus changing the rules of planning.

Special Advice For Special Needs Parents


Special needs children’s challenges last a lifetime.

How A Best-Seller Helped Change The Rules Of Social Security


The book led Washington policymakers to kill what they called unintended Social Security loopholes.

Presidential Candidates Should Talk About Aging, Says Gerentologist


Changing demographics will cause economic havoc, says Ken Dychtwald.

Why Do More Boomers Think The Retirement Ship Is Sinking?


Their confidence in their ability to retire is dropping even as the economy continues to improve, a new IRI study says.

An Accountant Navigates Cloudy Elder Abuse Cases


Karen Webber helps law enforcement by sifting through the bank accounts of defrauded seniors.

Social Security Change Could Cost Couples $100,000


Advisors are contacting clients to warn them of the loss of the file-and-suspend strategy.

Slowing Growth Clouds Retirement Picture


JP Morgan says diminished global growth will change the way advisors and individuals craft retirement plans.

Social Security Replacement-Rate Debate Matters For Clients


Does it replace 40% or 60% of pre-retirement income? The answer matters very much for retirees.

What The 2016 Social Security Changes Mean


Your old plans are not irrelevant.

Human Capital And Asset Allocation


Should a client’s job dictate what’s in his or her investment portfolio?

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