Social Security

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Social Security Politics Turned On Its Head By Clinton, Trump


Their opposition to any benefit cuts in the retirement program have turned deficit-reduction politics upside down.

Yale Professor: Raise Retirement Age To 76


A Yale professor proposes drastic changes to Social Security and retirement.

Millennials: The Optimistic Generation


Despite feeling anxious about their current financial situation, millennials have an optimistic outlook for the future.

Social Security Texting Snafu Underscores Customer Service Woes


A new authentication process restricted website access for many senior citizens who do not text.

Maximize Early Social Security Benefits With Leverage


Starting Social Security at age 66 rather than 70 can produce greater long-term benefits, says an advisor's research.

These Government Rules Trap Millions Of Americans In Poverty


People with disabilities face a Medicaid Catch-22. For some, there’s a way out.

Social Security: A Planning Paradox


New rules and future unknowns make Social Security planning a moving target.

Feds To Spotlight Bigger Cyber Assaults


They will pay less attention to run-of-the-mill hacks.

Golden Years Redefined As Older Americans Buck Trend And Work


A rising share of Americans are holding jobs into their golden years.

Closing The Gap In Retirement Drawdown Planning


Income Solver helps advisors plan Social Security and retirement drawdown strategies.

Social Security Opens Opportunity For Advisors


Social Security claiming strategies are complicated and require the help of an advisor, says William Meyer.

Trump Speech Recants 30 Years Of Republican Trade Thinking


In a matter of minutes on Tuesday, Donald Trump set fire to 30 years of Republican orthodoxy on trade.

Social Security Will Be There For You, Millennials


A new report says the Social Security trust fund will run out of money in 2034. But don’t expect this to settle any debates.

For U.S. Retirees, 2017 COLA Lacks Fizz


Retirees will likely receive a paltry increase in their Social Security checks in 2017.

Medicare Money Problems Worsen, Social Security's Stay Stable


Program trustees say the Medicare trust fund has worsened while prospects for Social Security’s remain the same.

Social Security Rules Create More Confusion


The 2015 federal budget act nixed ‘file and suspend’ for Social Security, but not a ‘suspend’ strategy.

Women Need Better Advice, Earlier Planning


Women face an earnings and longevity crunch, so financial advice is crucial to their financial success.

High Earners Are Going To Hate These Retirement Proposals


One of the report's many proposals would raise the taxable level of Social Security earnings to $195,000, up from $118,500.

U.S. Presidential Race May Be Among Ugliest In History, Says Valliere


Hillary Clinton clinched the Democratic nomination, but the sputtering economy gives her a difficult path to the White House.

Obama Urges Social Security Increase in Preview Of Campaign Role


President Barack Obama on Wednesday called for an increase in Social Security benefits for the elderly.

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