June 2020

Survival Of The Happiest


Crises like the pandemic make us realize the importance of team morale.

Adaption Or Extinction—A New Reality


The Covid-19 pandemic is going to fast-track a lot of trends many advisors aren’t ready for.

Society Closed, So Let’s Be Open


The pandemic has shown us what we are and aren’t prepared for as advisors.

There’s At Least 20% More AUM In Your Book

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Many advisors likely don’t look at the opportunities right in front of them.

Eight Steps to Financial Wellness


Breaking down “health and wealth” into actionable client engagement strategies.

Modern Monetary Theory Meets Moral Hazard


Amid a pandemic, the world is witnessing a full-on monetary experiment.

Shaky State Pensions: How Advisors Can Help


Many state public pension systems were already on shaky financial ground—then the pandemic hit.

Maximizing Estate Planning For High-Net-Worth Clients


Be flexible in adjusting to changing and unanticipated circumstances.

World Health Crisis Shuts Down Emerging Markets


But portfolio managers see pockets of opportunity.

Making Sense Of Long/Short Equity


This investment strategy has been all over the map this year.

Hunkering Down With Closed-End Funds


Pockets of opportunity await income-hungry investors who have patience.

Global Manager’s Pandemic Playbook


T. Rowe Price’s David Eiswert says global disruption lets him pick up great stocks at great prices.

Annuities During Economic Uncertainty


Annuities give investors protection (and choices) in tumultuous markets, advocates say.

The Ultimate Brain Teaser For Retirement


We have to rethink the equations for our clients’ lives.

Advisor Emporium

Capital Group Launches Multi-Sector Income Fund


Capital Group, a Los Angeles-based investment management firm overseeing $365 billion in fixed-income assets, has rolled out a new fixed-income fund.

Editor's Note

Holistic Planning Becomes Paramount


Two months into this surreal pandemic era, probably America’s biggest crisis since World War II, it’s worth recalling the words of Winston Churchill after the U.S...

Frontline News

Clients Place High Value On An Advisor’s Emotional IQ


Clients want advisors who are good listeners and communicators, according to a new survey.

CARES Act Tax Relief Could Be Limited For Some Clients


Business owners stand to gain more than individual taxpayers.

Advisor Mobilizes To Bring Face Masks To Her Clients


Financial advisor Michelle Curry connects with clients by giving them homemade face masks.

Will The Pandemic Put The Kibosh On RIA Mergers?


What happens to a merger in midstream when a crisis like Covid-19 hits?

Vanguard’s Joe Davis Sees Two-Phase Recovery


The most disruptive event of our lifetime has no parallels.

Pandemic Propels Increased Charitable Giving


Fidelity Charitable saw a dramatic increase in giving to human services causes.